European Union / European Regional Development Fund / Investing in your future

# X-Road: Central Server Installation Guide

Version: 2.28
Doc. ID: IG-CS

# Version history

Date Version Description Author
01.12.2014 1.0 Initial version
19.01.2015 1.1 License information added
02.02.2015 1.2 References fixed
18.03.2015 1.3 Meta-package for central server
02.04.2015 1.4 „sdsb” changed to „xroad”
30.06.2015 1.5 Minor corrections done
06.07.2015 1.6 New repository address
17.09.2015 1.7 Notes about high availability added, references updated
18.09.2015 1.8 Minor corrections done
18.09.2015 2.0 Editorial changes made
16.12.2015 2.1 Added installation instructions for monitoring
09.12.2016 2.2 Converted to markdown format Ilkka Seppälä
20.12.2016 2.3 Add chapter about additional configuration to central server's user manual Ilkka Seppälä
20.01.2017 2.4 Added license text and version history Sami Kallio
25.08.2017 2.5 Update installation instructions concerning the support for environmental monitoring Ilkka Seppälä
05.03.2018 2.6 Added terms and abbreviations reference, links to references and actual documents Tatu Repo
10.04.2018 2.7 Updated chapter "Installing the Support for Hardware Tokens" with configurable parameters described in the configuration file 'devices.ini' Cybernetica AS
14.10.2018 2.8 Update package repository address Petteri Kivimäki
15.11.2018 2.9 Add Ubuntu 18.04 installation instructions Jarkko Hyöty
05.02.2019 2.10 Update ports Jarkko Hyöty
04.09.2019 2.11 Update ports Petteri Kivimäki
11.09.2019 2.12 Remove Ubuntu 14.04 from supported platforms Jarkko Hyöty
26.11.2019 2.13 Add instructions for using remote database Ilkka Seppälä
29.04.2020 2.14 Add instructions how to use remote database located in Microsoft Azure Ilkka Seppälä
24.06.2020 2.15 Add repository sign key details in section 2.2 Reference data Petteri Kivimäki
30.07.2020 2.16 Default database password is autogenerated. Ilkka Seppälä
02.09.2020 2.17 Improve database setup instructions. Ilkka Seppälä
23.09.2020 2.18 List database users. Ilkka Seppälä
29.09.2020 2.19 Add instructions for creating database structure and roles manually. Ilkka Seppälä
19.01.2021 2.20 Add instructions for using an alternative Java distribution. Jarkko Hyöty
04.02.2021 2.21 Minor updates. Ilkka Seppälä
16.04.2021 2.22 Update remote database installation instructions. Jarkko Hyöty
18.05.2021 2.23 Update installation error handling section. Ilkka Seppälä
01.07.2021 2.24 Update 3rd party key server Petteri Kivimäki
18.08.2021 2.25 Minor updates to Annex D Ilkka Seppälä
24.08.2021 2.26 Add instructions for running the database migrations manually. Ilkka Seppälä
25.08.2021 2.27 Update X-Road references from version 6 to 7 Caro Hautamäki
26.09.2022 2.28 Remove Ubuntu 18.04 support Andres Rosenthal

# Table of Contents

# License

This document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit

# 1. Introduction

# 1.1 Target Audience

The intended audience of this installation guide are the X-Road central server administrators responsible for installing and configuring the X-Road central server software. The document is intended for readers with a good knowledge of Linux server management, computer networks, and the X-Road functioning principles.

# 1.2 Terms and abbreviations

See X-Road terms and abbreviations documentation [TA-TERMS].

# 1.3 References

  1. [UG-CS] Cybernetica AS. X-Road 7. Central Server User Guide. Document ID: UG-CS
  2. [IG-SS] Cybernetica AS. X-Road 7. Security Server Installation Guide. Document ID: IG-SS
  3. [UG-SS] Cybernetica AS. X-Road 7. Security Server User Guide. Document ID: UG-SS
  4. [IG-CSHA] Cybernetica AS. X-Road 7. Central Server High Availability Installation Guide. Document ID: IG-CSHA
  5. [TA-TERMS] X-Road Terms and Abbreviations. Document ID: TA-TERMS.

# 2. Installation

# 2.1 Prerequisites to Installation

The central server software assumes an existing installation of the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or 22.04 LTS operating system, on an x86-64bit platform. To provide management services, a security server is installed alongside the central server.

The central server’s software can be installed both on physical and virtualized hardware (of the latter, Xen and Oracle VirtualBox have been tested).

There are many alternatives how the central server can be deployed. The options are described in Annex C Deployment Options.

If the central server is a part of a cluster for achieving high availability (deployment option remote database cluster or cloud database cluster), the database cluster must be installed and configured before the central server itself can be installed. Please refer to the Central Server High Availability Installation Guide IG-CSHA for details.

# 2.2 Reference Data

Note: The information in empty cells will be determined at the latest during the server’s installation, by the person performing the installation.

Caution: Data necessary for the functioning of the operating system is not included.

Ref Explanation
1.0 Ubuntu 20.04, 64-bit, 2 GB RAM, 3 GB free disk space Minimum requirements
1.1 X-Road package repository
1.2 The repository key.

Hash: 935CC5E7FA5397B171749F80D6E3973B
Fingerprint: A01B FE41 B9D8 EAF4 872F A3F1 FB0D 532C 10F6 EC5B
3rd party key server: Ubuntu key server (opens new window)
1.3 Account name in the user interface
1.4 TCP 4001 service for authentication certificate registration
TCP 80 distribution of the global configuration
Ports for inbound connections (from the external network to the central server)
1.4.1 TCP 4002 management services Port for inbound connections from the management security server
1.5 TCP 80, 443 software updates Ports for outbound connections (from the central server to the external network)
1.6 TCP 80 HTTP between the central server and the management services' security server
TCP 4000 user interface
TCP 4001 HTTPS between the central server and the management services' security server
TCP 4400 HTTP between central server and management services' security server
Internal network ports, the user interface port, and management service ports for the management services' security server
1.7 central server internal IP address(es) and hostname(s)
1.8 central server public IP address, NAT address
1.9 <by default, the server’s IP addresses and names are added to the certificate’s Distinguished Name (DN) field> Information about the user interface TLS certificate
1.10 <by default, the server’s IP addresses and names are added to the certificate’s Distinguished Name (DN) field> Information about the services TLS certificate

# 2.3 Requirements to the Central Server

Minimum recommended hardware parameters:

  • the server hardware (motherboard, CPU, network interface cards, storage system) must be supported by Ubuntu in general;
  • a 64-bit dual-core Intel, AMD or compatible CPU;
  • 2 GB RAM;
  • 100 Mbps network interface card.

Requirements for software and settings:

  • an installed and configured Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or 22.04 LTS x86-64 operating system;
  • the necessary connections are allowed in the firewall (reference data: 1.4; 1.4.1; 1.5; 1.6),
  • if the central server has a private IP address, a corresponding NAT record must be created in the firewall (reference data: 1.8).

# 2.4 Preparing OS

  • Add an X-Road system administrator user (reference data: 1.3) whom all roles in the user interface are granted to.

    Add the new user with the command: sudo adduser username.

    User roles are discussed in detail in the X-Road Security Server User Guide UG-SS. Do not use the user name xroad, it is reserved for the X-Road system user.

  • Ensure that the packages locales and software-properties-common are present

    sudo apt-get install locales software-properties-common

  • Set the operating system locale.

    Add the following line to the file /etc/environment: LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
    Ensure that the locale is generated: sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8

# 2.5 Setup Package Repository

Add the X-Road repository’s signing key to the list of trusted keys (reference data: 1.2):

curl | sudo apt-key add -

Add X-Road package repository (reference data: 1.1)

sudo apt-add-repository -y "deb $(lsb_release -sc)-current main"

This is an optional step. Add a package repository for an alternative Java distribution. According to the Ubuntu blog (opens new window), Ubuntu OpenJDK 8 security updates end in April 2021. AdoptOpenJDK (opens new window) is an open-source Java 8 distribution that is supported until May, 2026 (opens new window).

curl | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-add-repository -y "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main"

# 2.6 Remote Database Setup (optional)

This is an optional step.

Optionally, the central server can use a remote database server. To avoid installing the default local PostgreSQL server during the installation, first install the xroad-database-remote -package.

sudo apt install xroad-database-remote

For the application level backup and restore feature to work correctly, it is important to verify that the local PostgreSQL client has the same or later major version than the remote database server and, if necessary, install a different version of the postgresql-client package (see

psql --version
psql (PostgreSQL) 12.6 (Ubuntu 12.6-0ubuntu0.20.04.1)

psql -h <database host> -U <superuser> -tAc 'show server_version'
10.16 (Ubuntu 10.16-0ubuntu0.18.04.1)

The installer can create the database and users for you, but you need to create a configuration file containing the database administrator credentials.

For advanced setup, e.g. if storing the database administrator password on the server is not an option, you can create the database users and structure manually as described in Annex D Create Database Structure Manually and then continue to section 2.7. Otherwise, perform the following steps:

Create the property file:

sudo touch /etc/
sudo chown root:root /etc/
sudo chmod 600 /etc/

Edit /etc/ See the example below. Replace parameter values with your own.

postgres.connection.password = <database superuser password>
postgres.connection.user = <database superuser name, postgres by default>

Note. If Microsoft Azure database for PostgreSQL is used, the connection user needs to be in format username@hostname.

For additional security, the postgresql.connection.* properties can be removed from the /etc/ file after installation (keep the other properties added by the installer).

Before continuing, test that the connection to the database works, e.g.

psql -h <database host> -U <superuser> -tAc 'show server_version'

# 2.7 Package Installation

Update package repository metadata:

sudo apt update

If using the AdoptOpenJDK Java distribution, install the Java runtime environment and set it as the default java:

sudo apt install adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot-jre
sudo update-java-alternatives -s adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot-jre-amd64

Issue the following commands to install the central server packages:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xroad-centralserver

Upon the first installation of the central server software, the system asks for the following information.

  • Account name for the user who will be granted the rights to perform all activities in the user interface (reference data: 1.3).

  • Database server URL. Locally installed database is suggested as default but remote databases can be used as well. In case remote database is used, one should verify that the version of the local PostgreSQL client matches the version of the remote PostgreSQL server.

  • Whether the database migrations should be skipped and handled manually instead. Usually automatic migrations should be used, but for legacy database support (like BDR1) it's possible to rely on manual operations instead. How to execute the database migrations manually is described in Annex E Run Database Migrations Manually.

  • The Distinguished Name of the owner of the user interface self-signed TLS certificate (subjectDN) and its alternative names (subjectAltName). The certificate is used for securing connections to the user interface (reference data: 1.7; 1.9). The name and IP addresses detected from the operating system are suggested as default values.

    The certificate owner’s Distinguished Name must be entered in the format: /CN=server.domain.tld. All IP addresses and domain names in use must be entered as alternative names in the format: IP:,IP:,DNS:servername,DNS:servername2.domain.tld

  • Identification of the TLS certificate that is used for securing the HTTPS access point used for providing management services (reference data: 1.7; 1.10). The name and IP addresses detected from the operating system are suggested as default values.

    ATTENTION: The central server IP address or DNS name that security servers will use to connect to the server must be added to the certificate owner’s Distinguished Name (subjectDN) or alternative name forms (subjectAltName) list (reference data: 1.8).

    The certificate owner’s Distinguished Name must be entered in the format: /CN=server.domain.tld All IP addresses and domain names in use must be entered as alternative names in the format: IP:,IP:,DNS:servername,DNS:servername2.domain.tld

# 2.8 Installing the Support for Hardware Tokens

To configure support for hardware security tokens (smartcard, USB token, Hardware Security Module), act as follows.

  1. Install the hardware token support module using the following command:

    sudo apt-get install xroad-addon-hwtokens
  2. Install and configure a PKCS#11 driver for the hardware token according to the manufacturer's instructions.

  3. Add the path to the PKCS#11 driver to the file /etc/xroad/devices.ini (as described in the example given in the file).

  4. After installing and configuring the driver, the xroad-signer service must be restarted:

    sudo service xroad-signer restart

If you are running a high availability (HA) hardware token setup (such as a cluster with replicated tokens) then you may need to constrain the token identifier format such that the token replicas can be seen as the same token. The token identifier format can be changed in /etc/xroad/devices.ini via the token_id_format property (default value: {moduleType}{slotIndex}{serialNumber}{label}). Removing certain parts of the identifier will allow the HA setup to work correctly when one of the tokens goes down and is replaced by a replica. For example, if the token replicas are reported to be on different slots the {slotIndex} part should be removed from the identifier format.

Depending on the hardware token there may be a need for more additional configuration. All possible configurable parameters in the /etc/xroad/devices.ini are described in the next table.

Parameter Type Default Value Explanation
enabled BOOLEAN true Indicates whether this device is enabled.
library STRING The path to the pkcs#11 library of the device driver.
library_cant_create_os_threads BOOLEAN false Indicates whether application threads, which are executing calls to the pkcs#11 library, may not use native operating system calls to spawn new threads (in other words, the library’s code may not create its own threads).
os_locking_ok BOOLEAN false Indicates whether the pkcs#11 library may use the native operation system threading model for locking.
sign_verify_pin BOOLEAN false Indicates whether the PIN should be entered per signing operation.
token_id_format STRING {moduleType}{slotIndex}{serialNumber}{label} Specifies the identifier format used to uniquely identify a token. In certain high availability setups may need be constrained to support replicated tokens (eg. by removing the slot index part which may be diffirent for the token replicas).
sign_mechanism STRING CKM_RSA_PKCS Specifies the signing mechanism. Supported values: CKM_RSA_PKCS, CKM_RSA_PKCS_PSS.
pub_key_attribute_encrypt BOOLEAN true Indicates whether public key can be used for encryption.
pub_key_attribute_verify BOOLEAN true Indicates whether public key can be used for verification.
pub_key_attribute_wrap BOOLEAN Indicates whether public key can be used for wrapping other keys.
pub_key_attribute_allowed_mechanisms STRING LIST Specifies public key allowed mechanisms. Supported values: CKM_RSA_PKCS, CKM_SHA256_RSA_PKCS, CKM_SHA384_RSA_PKCS, CKM_SHA512_RSA_PKCS, and CKM_RSA_PKCS_PSS, CKM_SHA256_RSA_PKCS_PSS, CKM_SHA384_RSA_PKCS_PSS, CKM_SHA512_RSA_PKCS_PSS.
priv_key_attribute_sensitive BOOLEAN true Indicates whether private key is sensitive.
priv_key_attribute_decrypt BOOLEAN true Indicates whether private key can be used for encryption.
priv_key_attribute_sign BOOLEAN true Indicates whether private key can be used for signing.
priv_key_attribute_unwrap BOOLEAN Indicates whether private key can be used for unwrapping wrapped keys.
priv_key_attribute_allowed_mechanisms STRING LIST Specifies private key allowed mechanisms. Supported values: CKM_RSA_PKCS, CKM_SHA256_RSA_PKCS, CKM_SHA384_RSA_PKCS, CKM_SHA512_RSA_PKCS, and CKM_RSA_PKCS_PSS, CKM_SHA256_RSA_PKCS_PSS, CKM_SHA384_RSA_PKCS_PSS, CKM_SHA512_RSA_PKCS_PSS.

Note 1: Only parameter library is mandatory, all the others are optional.
Note 2: The item separator of the type STRING LIST is ",".

# 2.9 Installing the Support for Monitoring

The optional configuration for monitoring parameters is installed by package xroad-centralserver-monitoring. This package also includes the components that validate the updated xml monitoring configuration. The package is included in the central server installation by default.

The central monitoring client may be configured as specified in the UG-CS.

# 2.10 Post-Installation Checks

The installation is successful if the system services are started and the user interface is responding.

  • Ensure from the command line that relevant X-Road services are in the running state (example output follows). Notice that it is normal for the xroad-confclient to be in stopped state on the central server since it operates in one-shot mode.

    • Ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04
      sudo systemctl list-units "xroad*"
      UNIT                     LOAD   ACTIVE SUB     DESCRIPTION
      xroad-base.service       loaded active exited  X-Road initialization
      xroad-jetty.service      loaded active running X-Road Jetty server
      xroad-signer.service     loaded active running X-Road signer
  • Ensure that the central server user interface at https://SECURITYSERVER:4000/ (reference data: 1.8; 1.6) can be opened in a Web browser. To log in, use the account name chosen during the installation (reference data: 1.3). While the user interface is still starting up, the Web browser may display the “502 Bad Gateway” error.

# 3 Initial Configuration

# 3.1 Reference Data

Note: The information in empty cells will be entered at the latest during the installation, by the person performing the installation.

Attention: Data necessary for the functioning of the operating system is not included.

Ref Explanation
2.1 The X-Road instance identifier
2.2 The external DNS name or IP address of the central server
2.3 The softtoken PIN
2.4 Codes and descriptions of the member classes used in the X-Road instance

# 3.2 Initializing the Central Server

The central server user interface can be accessed at https://CENTRALSERVER:4000/ (reference data: 1.7; 1.6)

  1. Set the X-Road instance identifier (reference data: 2.1).
  2. Set the central server public DNS hostname or public IP address (reference data: 2.2).
  3. Set the PIN of the software token (reference data: 2.3). The PIN will be used to protect the keys stored in the software token. The PIN must be stored in a secure place, because it will be no longer possible to use or recover the private keys in the token once the PIN is lost.

# 3.3 Configuring the Central Server and the Management Services' Security Server

Upon the first configuration of the central server and the management services' security server, the following actions must be carried out.

Actions 7 and 8 must be performed in the management services' security server.

  1. Generate the internal and external configuration signing keys. Refer to UG-CS section „Generating a Configuration Signing Key“.
  2. Configure the member classes. Refer to UG-CS section „Managing the Member Classes“. (reference data: 2.4).
  3. Configure the management service provider: add the X-Road member who will be responsible for management services - UG-CS section „Adding a Member“; add the subsystem that will provide the management services to the X-Road member - UG-CS section “Adding a Subsystem to an X-Road Member”; appoint the subsystem as the management service provider - UG-CS section “Appointing the Management Service Provider”.
  4. Configure the certification services. Refer to UG-CS section „Managing the Approved Certification Services“.
  5. Configure the timestamping services. Refer to UG-CS section „Managing the Approved Timestamping Services“.
  6. Verify that the global configuration generation succeeds (no global error messages should be displayed in the user interface at this point) and download the internal configuration anchor - UG-CS section “Downloading the Configuration Anchor”. The anchor is needed to set up the management services' security server.
  7. Install and configure the management services' security server as described in IG-SS.
  8. Register the management services' security server in the central server. Refer to UG-SS section „Security Server Registration“.
  9. Complete the registration of the management services' security server - UG-CS section “Registering a Member's Security Server”.
  10. Register the management service provider as a client of the management services' security server - UG-CS section “Registering the Management Service Provider as a Security Server Client”.
  11. Add the management service provider as a client to the management services' security server. Refer to UG-SS section „Adding a Security Server Client”. (The client should appear in “Registered” state, as the association between the client and the security server was already registered in the central server in the previous step). If necessary, configure the signing keys and certificates for the client - UG-SS section „Configuring a Signing Key and Certificate for a Security Server Client”
  12. Configure the management services. Refer to UG-CS section „Configuring the Management Services in The Management Services’ Security Server”.

# 4 Additional configuration

# 4.1 Global configuration V1 support

The support for global configuration version V1 has been removed in X-Road version 6.20. The central server produces only V2 global configuration which is expected by security servers from version 6.8.x and up.

# 5 Installation Error Handling

# 5.1 Cannot Set LC_ALL to Default Locale

If running the locale command results in the error message

locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory

then the support for the particular language has not been installed. To install it, run the command (example uses the English language):

sudo apt-get install language-pack-en

Then, to update the system’s locale files, run the following commands (this example uses the US locale):

sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
sudo update-locale en_US.UTF-8

Set the operating system locale. Add following line to /etc/environment file.


After updating the system’s locale settings, it is recommended to restart the operating system.

# 5.2 PostgreSQL Is Not UTF8 Compatible

If the central server installation is aborted, with the error message

postgreSQL is not UTF8 compatible

then the PostgreSQL package is installed with the wrong locale. One way to fix it is to remove the data store created upon the PostgreSQL installation and recreate it with the correct encoding. WARNING: All data in the database will be erased!

sudo pg_dropcluster --stop 9.3 main
LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" sudo pg_createcluster --start 9.3 main

To complete the interrupted installation, run the command:

sudo apt-get -f install

# 5.3 Could Not Create Default Cluster

If the following error message is displayed during PostgreSQL installation

Error: The locale requested by the environment is invalid.
Error: could not create default cluster. Please create it manually with pg_createcluster 9.3 main –start

Use the following command to create the PostgreSQL data cluster:

LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" sudo pg_createcluster --start 9.3 main

The interrupted installation can be finished using

sudo apt-get -f install

# 5.4 Is Postgres Running on Port 5432?

If the following error message appears during installation

Is postgres running on port 5432 ?
Aborting installation! please fix issues and rerun with apt-get -f install

Then check if any of the following errors occurred during the installation of PostgreSQL.

  • Error installing the data cluster. Refer to section 4.3.
  • The PostgreSQL data cluster installed during the installation of the security server is not configured to listen on port 5432. To verify and configure the listening port, edit the PostgreSQL configuration file in /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf. If you change the listening port, the postgresql service must be restarted.

The interrupted installation can be finished using

sudo apt-get -f install

# 5.5 Upgrade supported from version X.Y.Z or newer

The following error message may come up during the central server upgrade.

Upgrade supported from version X.Y.Z or newer

Upgrading the packages from the current version to the target version is not supported directly. The fix is to upgrade the central server to the target version step by step.

For example, the following central server packages are currently installed.

root@test-cs:~# dpkg -l | grep xroad
ii  xroad-base                      7.1.2-1.ubuntu20.04 amd64        X-Road base components
ii  xroad-center                    7.1.2-1.ubuntu20.04 all          X-Road central server
ii  xroad-centralserver             7.1.2-1.ubuntu20.04 all          X-Road central server
ii  xroad-centralserver-monitoring  7.1.2-1.ubuntu20.04 all          Monitoring client configuration for X-Road central
ii  xroad-confclient                7.1.2-1.ubuntu20.04 amd64        X-Road configuration client components
ii  xroad-database-local            7.1.2-1.ubuntu20.04 all          Meta-package for X-Road local database dependencies
ii  xroad-jetty9                    7.1.2-1.ubuntu20.04 all          Jetty9 for X-Road purposes
ii  xroad-nginx                     7.1.2-1.ubuntu20.04 amd64        X-Road nginx component
ii  xroad-signer                    7.1.2-1.ubuntu20.04 amd64        X-Road signer component

The following packages are available in the repository.

root@test-cs:~# apt-cache madison xroad-centralserver
xroad-centralserver | 7.3.0-1.ubuntu20.04 | focal-current/main amd64 Packages
xroad-centralserver | 7.1.2-1.ubuntu20.04 | focal-current/main amd64 Packages

Now trying to upgrade the central server packages directly will produce the following error.

root@test-cs:~# apt-get upgrade xroad-centralserver
Preparing to unpack .../xroad-centralserver_7.3.0-1.ubuntu20.04_all.deb ...
ERROR: Upgrade supported from version 7.1.2 or newer

The fix is to upgrade the central server in two separate steps. First, upgrade to 7.1.x with the following command.

apt install xroad-base=7.1.2-1.ubuntu20.04 xroad-center=7.1.2-1.20.04 xroad-centralserver=7.1.2-1.ubuntu20.04 xroad-centralserver-monitoring=7.1.2-1.ubuntu20.04 xroad-confclient=7.1.2-1.ubuntu20.04 xroad-database-local=7.1.2-1.ubuntu20.04 xroad-jetty9=7.1.2-1.ubuntu20.04 xroad-nginx=7.1.2-1.ubuntu20.04 xroad-signer=7.1.2-1.ubuntu20.04

An alternative approach to the previous command is to temporarily configure the server to use a repository that contains only the specific version of X-Road software we want to upgrade to. For example, configure the repository as deb focal-7.1.2 main and then use the apt update and apt upgrade xroad-centralserver commands.

Finally, we can upgrade to our target version 7.3.x as follows.

apt upgrade xroad-centralserver

# Annex A Central Server Default Database Properties


password=<randomly generated password stored is stored here>

# Annex B Database Users

User Database Privileges Description
centerui centerui_production CREATE,TEMPORARY,CONNECT The database user used to create the schema and read/write the database during application runtime.
postgres ALL ALL PostgreSQL database default superuser.

# Annex C Deployment Options

# C.1 General

X-Road central server can be deployed in multiple ways. The simplest option is to have a single central server with local database. This is usually fine for development purposes, but there are multiple reasons to tailor the deployment.

# C.2 Local Database

The simplest deployment option is to use a single central server with local database. This is the default choice when setting up a development or testing environment. It's not recommended for production since there is a single point of failure.

Central server with local database

# C.3 Remote Database

It is possible to use a remote database with central server. This option is sometimes used in development when there's need to externalize the database state.

Central server supports a variety of cloud databases including AWS RDS and Azure Database for PostgreSQL. This deployment option is useful when doing development in cloud environment.

Central server with remote database

Central server itself can also be clustered. In clustered mode high-availability is built in to the system and the clients (security servers and configuration proxies) can continue operation despite a loss of a central server node.

Central server cluster with remote database

# C.4 Remote Database Cluster

When aiming for production it's recommended to use redundant front-end nodes (clustered central server) and a remote database cluster. This way there's no single point of failure and the system can recover from both front-end node and database failures.

Central server with remote database cluster

# C.5 Cloud Database Cluster

When central server is deployed in cloud environment and aimed for production use, it's recommended to use a cloud database cluster. To achieve high availability, there should be redundant front-end nodes (clustered central server) in separate availability zones.

Central server with cloud database cluster

# C.6 Summary

The following table lists a summary of the central server deployment options and indicates whether they are aimed for development or production use.

Deployment Dev Prod
Local database x
Remote database x
Remote database cluster x
Cloud database cluster x

# Annex D Create Database Structure Manually

Login to the database server as the superuser (postgres by default).

psql -h <database host> -U <superuser> -d postgres

Run the following commands to create the necessary database structures and roles.

CREATE ROLE <database user> LOGIN PASSWORD '<database password>';
GRANT <database user> to <superuser>;
GRANT CREATE,TEMPORARY,CONNECT ON DATABASE <database name> TO <database user>;
\c <database name>
CREATE SCHEMA <database schema> AUTHORIZATION <database user>;
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public to <database user>;

Create the /etc/xroad/ file

sudo mkdir /etc/xroad
sudo chown xroad:xroad /etc/xroad
sudo chmod 751 /etc/xroad
sudo touch /etc/xroad/
sudo chmod 0640 /etc/xroad/
sudo chown xroad:xroad /etc/xroad/

Edit /etc/xroad/ to match the values used when creating the database (the default values can be found in Annex A Central Server Default Database Properties).

username=<database user>
password=<database password>
database=<database name>
host=<database host>
port=<database port>
schema=<database schema>
skip_migrations=<false by default, set to true to skip migrations>

# Annex E Run Database Migrations Manually

When installing/upgrading the central server, it's possible to skip the automatic database migrations. The installer respects the setting skip_migrations = true/false in the file /etc/xroad/ For clean installations the installer asks the setting value (among other settings) using debconf. For upgrade installations the setting skip_migrations = true needs to be set before upgrading by editing the aforementioned properties file or by running dpkg-reconfigure xroad-center to alter the settings via debconf.

To run the database migrations manually, follow the next steps.

  1. Login to the central server console and issue the following command as root.

  2. Ensure that the central server user interface process is stopped.

systemctl stop xroad-jetty
  1. Run the database migrations.
/usr/share/xroad/db/ db:migrate
  1. Start the services, if they are not yet running.
systemctl start xroad-signer nginx xroad-jetty
  1. Verify that everything is working by performing the steps described in 2.10 Post-Installation Checks.