# X-Road: Security Server Configuration Data Model

Version: 1.10
Doc. ID: DM-SS

# Version history

Date Version Description Author
11.06.2015 0.1 Initial version Mait Märdin, Margus Freudenthal
21.08.2015 0.4 Added sections related to saving database history Mait Märdin
31.08.2015 0.5 Removed backend URL that was removed from code Margus Freudenthal
20.09.2015 1.0 Editorial changes made Imbi Nõgisto
19.10.2015 1.1 Indexes added Martin Lind
11.12.2015 1.2 Small fixes Siim Annuk
28.01.2019 1.3 Wsdl changes to servicedescription. Document converted to Markdown. Ilkka Seppälä
26.03.2019 1.4 Added tables for API keys Janne Mattila
04.07.2019 1.5 REST access rights Jarkko Hyöty
16.09.2019 1.6 Remove Ubuntu 14.04 support Jarkko Hyöty
26.09.2022 1.7 Remove Ubuntu 18.04 support Andres Rosenthal
10.05.2023 1.8 Security Categories removed. Justas Samuolis
08.12.2023 1.9 Added "Disabled" and related "in progress" client states Madis Loitmaa
26.01.2024 1.10 When client is deleted, respective identifier is deleted as well Eneli Reimets

# Table of Contents

# License

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Li-cense. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/.

# 1 General

# 1.1 Preamble

This document describes database model of X-Road security server.

# 1.2 Database Version

This database assumes PostgreSQL version 9.2 or later.

# 1.3 Creating, Backing Up and Restoring the Database

This database is integrated into X-Road security server application. The database management functions are embedded into the application user interface. The database, the database user and the data model is created by the application's installer. The database updates are packaged as application updates and are applied when the application is upgraded. From the technical point of view, the database structure is created and updated using Liquibase (opens new window) tool. The migration scripts can be found both in application source and in file system of the installed application. Database backup functionality is built into the application. The backup operation can be invoked from the web-based user interface or from the command line. The backup contains dump of all the database structure and contents. When restoring the application, first the software is installed and then the configuration database is restored together with all the other necessary files. This produces a working security server. Note: backing up of security server does not include message log that is managed using different tools.

# 1.4 Saving Database History

This section describes a general mechanism for storing history of the database tables. All the history-aware tables have associated trigger update_history that records all the modifications to data. All the tables of security server database are history-aware, except for

  • history
  • databasechangelog
  • databasechangeloglock

When a row is created, updated or deleted in one of the history-aware tables, the trigger update_history is activated and invokes the stored procedure add_history_rows. For each changed column, add_history_rows inserts a row into the history table. The details of the stored procedures are described in section 1.6.

# 1.5 Entity-Relationship Diagram

Entity-Relationship Diagram

# 1.6 List of Stored Procedures

  1. add_history_rows: Detects the changes made as a result of the operation it is invoked on, and calls the insert_history_row stored procedure to insert a row to the history table, for each changed field. For insertions and deletions, a history record is inserted for each field of the original table.
  2. insert_history_row: Inserts a single row with values corresponding to a changed field in one of the database tables. Invoked by the add_history_rows stored procedure.

# 1.7 List of Triggers

  1. update_history: Invokes the add_history_rows stored procedure upon insertions, updates and deletions of records. Created for each history-aware table.

# 2 Description of Entities


Access right of a security server client or a group of clients to use a particular service. An access right record is created when an access right for a service is granted. The record is deleted when the service is removed from the system configuration or the access right is forfeited. The record is never modified.

# 2.1.1 Indexes

Name Columns

# 2.1.2 Attributes

Name Type Modifiers Description
id [PK] bigint NOT NULL Primary key
client_id [FK] bigint The security server client who provides the service. References id attribute of CLIENT entity.
subjectid [FK] bigint NOT NULL Identifier of a subject that is authorized to access the service. Can be either a member, a subsystem, global group or local group. References id attribute of IDENTIFIER entity.
rightsgiven timestamp without time zone NOT NULL The time when the access right was granted.
endpoint_id [FK] bigint The authorized endpoint. References id attribute of ENDPOINT entity.

# 2.2 APIKEY

API key which grants access to REST API operations.

# 2.2.1 Attributes

Name Type Modifiers Description
id [PK] bigint NOT NULL Primary key
encodedkey character varying(255) NOT NULL Encoded API key


Roles linked to one API key.

# 2.3.1 Indexes

Name Columns
unique_apikey_role apikey_id, role

# 2.3.2 Attributes

Name Type Modifiers Description
id [PK] bigint NOT NULL Primary key
apikey_id [FK] bigint NOT NULL Links one role to an API key
role character varying(255) NOT NULL Role name. Check constraint valid_role limits value to valid ones.


Trusted authentication certificate associated with an information system belonging to a particular security server client. A certificate record is created when a certificate is uploaded for a security server client. The record is deleted when the certificate is deleted from the system configuration. The record is never modified.

# 2.4.1 Attributes

Name Type Modifiers Description
id [PK] bigint NOT NULL Primary key
data oid X.509 public key certificate in binary DER form.
client_id [FK] bigint The security server client whose information system server uses this authentication certificate. References id attribute of CLIENT entity.

# 2.5 CLIENT

Member or subsystem that is using this security server. The security server owner is also registered as a client. For owner, the record is created when the administrator initializes the security server. For security server users, the record is created when the administrator adds new client in the user interface. The client record is deleted when the administrator removes the client in the user interface. The client record corresponding to the owner cannot be deleted. The client record is modified when administrator changes parameters in the user interface or when automatic status update occurs (see below). The field clientstatus shows the progress of registering in central server the connection between this security server client and this security server. Only in “registered” state can the security server exchange messages on behalf of this client.

  • saved -- initial state. Client enters it immediately after creation. From this state the administrator can send registration request to the central server.
  • registration in progress -- the administrator has successfully sent registration request to the central server. In this state the security server is waiting for approval of the client registration request. When the security server receives a global configuration that contains connection between the security server and the client, it enters the “registered” state.
  • registered -- the registration request sent to the central server is approved and the connection between the client and the security server is registered in the global configuration. In this state the security server can exchange messages on behalf of the client.
  • deletion in progress -- the security server has successfully sent client deletion request to the central server. From this state, the only possible action is to delete the client from security server configuration.
  • global error -- the client was in state “registered”, but the connection between the client and the security server has been deleted from the global configuration. From this state the administrator can either wait for updated global configuration (in case the deletion was caused by an error), contact the systems administrator of the central server or delete the client.
  • disabled -- the client is temporarily disabled
  • disabling in progress_ -- the administrator has successfully sent clientDisable request. When the security server receives updated global configuration, it enters the "disabled" state.
  • enabling in progress_ -- the administrator has successfully sent clientEnable request. When the security server receives updated global configuration, it returns to "registered" state.

# 2.5.1 Indexes

Name Columns
CLIENT_CONF_ID_fkey conf_id
CLIENT_IDENTIFIER_fkey identifier

# 2.5.2 Attributes

Name Type Modifiers Description
id [PK] bigint NOT NULL Primary key
conf_id [FK] bigint Identifies the serverconf. References id attribute of SERVERCONF entity.
identifier [FK] bigint Identifies the security server client. References id attribute of IDENTIFIER entity.
clientstatus character varying(255) Current status of the client. Possible values are “saved”, “registration in progress”, “registered”, “deletion in progress”, “global error”
isauthentication character varying(255) Type of HTTPS authentication that is used with the client's information systems. Possible values are the following
  • “NOSSL” -- the client can connect with HTTP or HTTPS protocol. For HTTPS connection, no authentication is used.
  • “SSLNOAUTH” -- the client can only connect with HTTPS protocol. No certificate-based authentication is used.
  • “SSLAUTH” -- the client can only connect with HTTPS protocol. The client must authenticate the connection with certificate.


Liquibase migration of the database. A record is created when the administrator updates the software package containing this database and the database structure needs to be modified. The record is never modified or deleted. This table has a technical nature and is not managed by X-Road application software.

# 2.6.1 Attributes

Name Type Modifiers Description
id [PK] character varying(255) NOT NULL The identifier of the migration.
author character varying(255) NOT NULL The author of the migration.
filename character varying(255) NOT NULL The filename containing the migration script.
dateexecuted timestamp with time zone NOT NULL The time when the migration was executed. Used with orderexecuted to determine rollback order.
orderexecuted integer NOT NULL The order number in which the migration was executed. Used in addition to dateexecuted to ensure order is correct even when the databases datetime supports poor resolution.
exectype character varying(10) NOT NULL The type of the execution that was performed. Possible values are EXECUTED, FAILED, SKIPPED, RERAN, and MARK_RAN.
md5sum character varying(35) The MD5 hash of the migration script when it was executed. Used on each run to ensure there have been no unexpected changes to the migration script.
description character varying(255) Short auto-generated human readable description of the migration.
comments character varying(255) The comments of the migration.
tag character varying(255) The tag of the migration.
liquibase character varying(20) The version of the Liquibase that performed the migration.
contexts character varying(255) Contexts of the migration.
labels character varying(255) Labels of the migration.
deployment_id character varying(10) Deployment id of the migration.


Lock used by Liquibase to allow only one migration of the database to run at a time. This table has a technical nature and is not managed by X-Road application software.

# 2.7.1 Attributes

Name Type Modifiers Description
id [PK] integer NOT NULL Primary key. Id of the lock. Currently there is only one lock.
locked boolean NOT NULL Set to "1" if the Liquibase is running against this database. Otherwise set to "0".
lockgranted timestamp with time zone Date and time when the lock was granted.
lockedby character varying(255) Human-readable description of who the lock was granted to.


Member of a local group. A group membership record is created when the administrator adds a new subsystem to a local group. The record is deleted when the administrator removes the subsystem from the local group. The record is never modified.

# 2.8.1 Indexes

Name Columns

# 2.8.2 Attributes

Name Type Modifiers Description
id [PK] bigint NOT NULL Primary key.
groupmemberid [FK] bigint NOT NULL Identifier of the member or the subsystem who is a member of the local group. References id attribute of IDENTIFIER entity.
added timestamp with time zone NOT NULL The time when the group member was added.
localgroup_id [FK] bigint The local group. References id attribute of LOCALGROUP entity.


Operations (insertions, updates and deletions of records) on the tables of this database, for the purpose of auditing. Each record corresponds to the change of a single field. The record is created in the manner described in section 1.4. The record is never modified or deleted.

# 2.9.1 Attributes

Name Type Modifiers Description
id [PK] bigint NOT NULL Primary key.
operation character varying(255) NOT NULL Name of the database operation (possible values are INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE).
table_name character varying(255) NOT NULL Name of the table the operation was made on.
record_id bigint NOT NULL ID of the record that was inserted, updated or deleted, in the original table.
field_name character varying(255) NOT NULL Name of the column that was inserted, updated or deleted.
old_value text Previous value of the column if applicable (NULL for INSERT operations).
new_value text New value of the column if applicable (NULL for DELETE operations).
user_name character varying(255) NOT NULL Name of either the logged in user of the UI or the database user behind the connection, that initiated the operation.
timestamp timestamp without time zone NOT NULL Date and time of the operation.


Identifier that can be used to identify various objects on X-Road. An identifier record is only created together with records of other entities and only one record of each identifier is ever created. For example, if a security server client record is created and its identifier is not found among identifier records, new one is created. The record is never modified or deleted. An exception, when an entity of client is deleted, respective identifier is deleted as well.

# 2.10.1 Attributes

Name Type Modifiers Description
id [PK] bigint NOT NULL Primary key.
discriminator character varying(255) NOT NULL Technical attribute, specifying the Java class to which the identifier is mapped. Possible values are C (ClientId), S (ServiceId), CS (CentralServiceId), GG (GlobalGroupId), LG (LocalGroupId), SS (SecurityServerId). The corresponding Java classes are located in the ee.ria.xroad.common.identifier package.
type character varying(255) Specifies the type of the object that the identifier identifies. Possible values, defined in enum ee.ria.xroad.common.identifier.XroadObjectType, are MEMBER, SUBSYSTEM, SERVICE, CENTRALSERVICE, GLOBALGROUP, LOCALGROUP, SERVER.
xroadinstance character varying(255) X-Road instance identifier. Present in identifiers of all types, except LOCALGROUP.
memberclass character varying(255) Member class. Present in identifiers of MEMBER, SUBSYSTEM, SERVER and SERVICE type.
membercode character varying(255) Member code. Present in identifiers of MEMBER, SUBSYSTEM, SERVER and SERVICE type.
subsystemcode character varying(255) Subsystem code. Present in identifiers of SUBSYSTEM and SERVICE type.
serviceversion character varying(255) Service version. Present in identifiers of SERVICE type.
servicecode character varying(255) Service code. Present in identifiers of SERVICE type.
groupcode character varying(255) Group code. Present in identifiers of GLOBALGROUP and LOCALGROUP type.
servercode character varying(255) Security server code. Present in identifiers of SERVER type.


Group of members and/or subsystems. The group is local to a security server client and is used in access rights management. Local groups are connected to a security server client and can only be used for services belonging to that client. A local group record is created when the administrator adds a new local group to a security server client. The record is modified when the administrator changes the description of the group. The record is deleted when the administrator deletes the group or the security server client for whom the group is defined.

# 2.11.1 Indexes

Name Columns

# 2.11.2 Attributes

Name Type Modifiers Description
id [PK] bigint NOT NULL Primary key
groupcode] character varying(255) NOT NULL The code of the group.
description character varying(255) NOT NULL The description of the group.
updated timestamp with time zone NOT NULL The time when the description of the group was last updated.
client_id [FK] bigint The security server client for whom the local group is defined. References id attribute of CLIENT entity.


The top-level configuration of the security server, specifying the owner and the code of this security server. This table contains only one record that is created when the security server is initialized. The record is never modified or deleted.

# 2.12.1 Indexes

Name Columns

# 2.12.2 Attributes

Name Type Modifiers Description
id [PK] bigint NOT NULL Primary key.
servercode character varying(255) The code of this security server.
owner [FK] bigint The security server client who is the owner of this security server. References id attribute of CLIENT entity.

# 2.13 SERVICE

Service provided by a security server client. A service record is created when the administrator adds or refreshes a WSDL of a security server client, and a new service description is found in the WSDL. The record is modified if the administrator edits the service parameters in the user interface. The record is deleted when the administrator deletes the WSDL containing the service description or when the administrator deletes the security server client owning the WSDL.

# 2.13.1 Indexes

Name Columns
SERVICE_WSDL_ID_fkey wsdl_id

# 2.13.2 Attributes

Name Type Modifiers Description
id [PK] bigint NOT NULL Primary key.
servicecode character varying(255) NOT NULL The code of the service.
serviceversion character varying(255) The version of the service.
title character varying(255) The title of the service.
url character varying(255) The URL of the service.
sslauthentication boolean A flag indicating whether the certificate of the service provider should be verified for SSL/TLS connections. NULL value is interpreted as true. Trusted service provider certificates are stored as CERTIFICATE entities.
timeout integer The maximum time in seconds that the service provider can take to respond to a query.
servicedescription_id [FK] bigint The servicedescription of which this service is part of. References id attribute of SERVICEDESCRIPTION entity.

# 2.14 TSP

Timestamping service provider (TSP) that is used by the security server to time-stamp messages stored in the message log. Only connection parameters to the TSP are included. The data needed for verifying time stamps is read from the global configuration. A TSP record is created when the administrator adds a new TSP in the user interface. The record is deleted when the administrator deletes the TSP in the user interface. The record is never modified.

# 2.14.1 Indexes

Name Columns
TSP_CONF_ID_fkey conf_id

# 2.14.2 Attributes

Name Type Modifiers Description
id [PK] bigint NOT NULL Primary key.
conf_id [FK] bigint Identifies the serverconf. References the id in SERVERCONF table.
name character varying(255) The name of the TSP. Used for displaying in the user interface.
url character varying(255) NOT NULL The URL of the TSP. The security server will send time-stamping request using HTTP POST method.

# 2.15 UIUSER

Preferences of the user interface user. A record is created when the user changes the user interface language for the first time. The record is modified on later changes to the language. The record is never deleted.

# 2.15.1 Attributes

Name Type Modifiers Description
id [PK] bigint NOT NULL Primary key.
username character varying(255) NOT NULL Name of the user who has customized their user interface language.
locale character varying(255) The preferred language code. Valid values are 'en' for English, and 'et' for Estonian.


Pointer to a SERVICEDESCRIPTION containing the descriptions of services provided by a security server client. A SERVICEDESCRIPTION record is created when the administrator adds a new service description to a security server client in the user interface. The record is modified when the administrator refreshes, enables or disables the service description. The record is deleted when the administrator deletes the service description or the security server client owning the service description.

# 2.16.1 Indexes

Name Columns
WSDL_CLIENT_ID_fkey client_id

# 2.16.2 Attributes

Name Type Modifiers Description
id [PK] bigint NOT NULL Primary key.
client_id [FK] bigint The security server client providing the services described in this SERVICEDESCRIPTION. References id attribute of CLIENT entity.
url character varying(255) NOT NULL The URL of the SERVICEDESCRIPTION. The URL points to the information system of the security server client.
disabled boolean NOT NULL A flag indicating whether the SERVICEDESCRIPTION and all its services are disabled.
disablednotice character varying(255) The error message returned in response to a call to a service belonging to a disabled SERVICEDESCRIPTION.
refresheddate timestamp with time zone The time when the SERVICEDESCRIPTION was last refreshed.
type character varying(255) NOT NULL The type of the service description. At the time of writing 'WSDL' and 'OPENAPI3' types are supported.


# 2.17.1 Indexes

Name Columns
pk_endpoint id
ix_endpoint (unique) client_id, servicecode, method, path

# 2.17.2 Attributes

Name Type Modifiers Description
id [PK] bigint NOT NULL Primary key.
client_id [FK] bigint The security server client who provides the service. References id attribute of CLIENT entity.
servicecode character varying(255) NOT NULL The service code part of the service identifier.
method character varying(255) NOT NULL The allowed HTTP method (REST services)
path character varying(2048) NOT NULL Allowed URL path (REST services)
generated boolean NOT NULL Is the endpoint automatically generated (true) or manually added (false)