# X-Road: Use Case Model for Federation


Version: 1.4
25.08.2021 Doc. ID: UC-FED

# Version history

Date Version Description Author
15.09.2015 0.1 Initial version Riin Saarmäe
16.09.2015 0.2 Minor corrections done Riin Saarmäe
20.09.2015 1.0 Editorial changes made Imbi Nõgisto
08.11.2015 1.1 Renamed Scope element to System. Native (X-Road instance) renamed to local. Minor corrections done. Riin Saarmäe
29.08.2017 1.2 Changed documentation type from docx to md file Lasse Matikainen
06.03.2018 1.3 Moved terms to term doc, added term doc reference and link, added internal MD-doc links Tatu Repo
25.08.2021 1.4 Update X-Road references from version 6 to 7 Caro Hautamäki

# Table of Contents

# License

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/.

# 1 Introduction

# 1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to describe the use cases concerning the federation of X-Road instances.

The use cases include verifications that take place, and the main error conditions that may be encountered during the described process. The general system errors that may be encountered in most of the use cases (e.g., database connection errors or out of memory errors) are not described in this document.

The use cases assume that the X-Road software components involved in the use cases are installed and initialised (see [IG-CS]).

The use cases including a human actor (the level of the use case is user task) assume that the actor is logged in to the system and has the access rights required to carry out the use case.

# 1.2 Terms and Abbreviations

See X-Road terms and abbreviations documentation [TA-TERMS].

# 1.3 References

  1. [IG-CS] X-Road 7. Central Server Installation Guide. Document ID: IG-CS.

  2. [PR-GCONF] X-Road: Protocol for Downloading Configuration. Document ID: PR-GCONF.

  3. [SPEC-AL] X-Road: Audit Log Events. Document ID: SPEC-AL.

  4. [UC-GCONF] X-Road: Use Case Model for Global Configuration Distribution. Document ID: UC-GCONF.

  5. [TA-TERMS] X-Road Terms and Abbreviations. Document ID: TA-TERMS.

# 2 Overview

The trust federation of X-Road instances allows for the members of one X-Road instance to use the services provided by members of the other instance, thus making the X-Road systems interoperable.

To make the federating systems aware of each other, the external configuration anchor of the federation partner must be uploaded as a trusted anchor to the central servers of the federating X-Road instances.

The trusted anchors are distributed to the security servers as a part of the internal configuration. The security servers use the trusted anchors to download external configuration from the federation partners. The external configuration contains the information that the security servers of the partner instances need to communicate with each other.

To end a federation relationship with an X-Road instance, the trusted anchor of that instance must be deleted from the central server.

For more information on configuration distribution please see the documents “X-Road: Protocol for Downloading Configuration” [PR-GCONF] and “X-Road: Use Case Model for Global Configuration Distribution” [UC-GCONF].

# 3 Use Case Model

# 3.1 Actors

The use case model for the federation of X-Road systems includes the following actors.

  • CS administrator (central server administrator) – a person responsible for managing the central server.

  • Configuration source – a component (HTTP server) managed by the central server or the configuration proxy that distributes external configuration.

Relationships between the actors, the systems and the use cases are described in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Use case diagram for the federation of X-Road systems

# 3.2 UC FED_01: View Trusted Anchors

System: Central server

Level: User task

Component: Central server

Actor: CS administrator

Brief Description: CS administrator views the list of trusted anchors.

Preconditions: -

Postconditions: The list of trusted anchors has been displayed to CS administrator.

Trigger: -

Main Success Scenario:

  1. CS administrator selects to view trusted anchors.

  2. System displays the list of trusted anchors uploaded to the central server. For each anchor, the following information is displayed:

    • the instance identifier of the X-Road instance the trusted anchor originates from;

    • the SHA-224 hash value of the trusted anchor file;

    • the generation date and time (UTC) of the trusted anchor file.

      The following user action options are displayed:

    • upload a trusted anchor: 3.3;

    • download a trusted anchor: 3.7;

    • delete a trusted anchor: 3.8.

Extensions: -

Related information: -

# 3.3 UC FED_02: Upload a Trusted Anchor

System: Central server

Level: User task

Component: Central server

Actor: CS administrator

Brief Description: CS administrator uploads a trusted anchor to the system. The system validates the anchor file and downloads configuration from the source pointed by the anchor to verify that the source is functional. The system includes the uploaded anchor to the list of configuration sources distributed to the security servers of this X-Road instance via the global configuration.

Preconditions: CS administrator has received an external configuration anchor file from a federation partner and validated the integrity of the anchor.

Postconditions: -

Trigger: CS administrator receives an external configuration anchor file from a federation partner. The external anchor file should be distributed (via out of band means) to the federation partners when the federation is first set up or in case the contents of the external configuration anchor are updated (e.g., due to external configuration signing key changes, central server address changes, central server high availability setup changes).

Main success scenario:

  1. CS administrator selects to upload a trusted anchor.

  2. CS administrator selects the anchor file from the local file system.

  3. System verifies that the selected file is a valid configuration anchor file by validating the uploaded file against the configuration anchor schema.

  4. System verifies that the configuration anchor does not point to a configuration source of this X-Road instance.

  5. System calculates and displays the SHA-224 hash value and the generation time of the selected anchor file and prompts for confirmation.

  6. CS administrator confirms.

  7. System downloads the signed configuration from the source defined by the uploaded anchor and validates the configuration: 3.4.

  8. System verifies that an anchor with the same instance identifier as the uploaded one exists in the system configuration and replaces the existing anchor with the uploaded one.

  9. System logs the event “Add trusted anchor” to the audit log.


  • 3a. The selected file is not a valid configuration anchor file.

    • 3a.1. System displays the error message: “Failed to upload trusted anchor: Incorrect file structure.”.
    • 3a.2. CS administrator selects to reselect the configuration anchor file. Use case continues from step 3.
    • 3a.2a. CS administrator selects to terminate the use case.
  • 4a. The anchor points to a configuration source of the local X-Road instance.

    • 4a.1. System displays the error message: “Failed to upload trusted anchor: Anchors originating from this instance are not supported as trusted anchors.”.
    • 4a.2. CS administrator selects to reselect the configuration anchor file. Use case continues from step 3.
    • 4a.2a. CS administrator selects to terminate the use case.
  • 6a. CS administrator selects to terminate the use case.

  • 7a. Downloading of the configuration fails.

    • 7a.1. System displays the error message: “Failed to save uploaded trusted anchor: Configuration source cannot be reached, check source URL in uploaded anchor file”.
    • 7a.2. System logs the event “Add trusted anchor failed” the audit log.
    • 7a.3. Use case terminates.
  • 7b. The downloaded configuration is expired.

    • 7b.1. System displays the error message: “Failed to save uploaded trusted anchor: Configuration from source is out of date”.
    • 7b.2. System logs the event “Add trusted anchor failed” the audit log.
    • 7b.3. Use case terminates.
  • 7c. Verification of the signature value of the downloaded configuration failed.

    • 7c.1. System displays the error message: “Failed to save uploaded trusted anchor: Signature of configuration cannot be verified”.
    • 7c.2. System logs the event “Add trusted anchor failed” the audit log.
    • 7c.3. Use case terminates.
  • 7d. The downloaded configuration directory contains private parameters configuration part (i.e., the configuration anchor points to an internal configuration source).

    • 7d.1. System displays the error message: “Failed to upload trusted anchor: Anchor points to an internal configuration source. Only external configuration source anchors are supported as trusted anchors.”.
    • 7d.2. System logs the event “Add trusted anchor failed” the audit log.
    • 7d.3. Use case terminates.
  • 7e. Verification of the downloaded configuration fails for reasons other than the ones listed in extensions 7b-d.

    • 7e.1. System displays the error message: “Failed to save uploaded trusted anchor: Configuration from source failed verification”.
    • 7e.2. System logs the event “Add trusted anchor failed” the audit log.
    • 7e.3. Use case terminates.
  • 8a. No anchor with the same instance identifier as the uploaded one exists in the system configuration.

    • 8a.1. System saves the uploaded anchor to system configuration.

Related information:

  • The audit log is located at /var/log/xroad/audit.log. The data set of audit log records is described in the document “X-Road: Audit Log Events” [SPEC-AL].

  • The format of the configuration anchor and the configuration directory and the protocol for downloading the configuration are described in the document “X-Road: Protocol for Downloading Configuration” [PR-GCONF].

# 3.4 UC FED_03: Download and Validate Configuration

System: Central server

Level: Subfunction

Component: Central server, configuration proxy

Actor: Configuration source

Brief Description: System downloads the configuration directory describing the configuration provided by the configuration source and verifies the integrity of the directory. System downloads the configuration files described in the configuration directory.

Preconditions: -

Postconditions: -

Trigger: Step 7 of 3.3.

Main Success Scenario:

  1. System finds configuration source addresses from the configuration anchor.

  2. System downloads the signed configuration directory by making a HTTP GET request to a randomly chosen configuration source address found in the configuration anchor.

  3. System parses the downloaded configuration directory and verifies that the configuration directory is signed and not expired (compares the Expire-date header value of the configuration directory to current date).

  4. System verifies the signature of the configuration directory: 3.5.

  5. System downloads the configuration part files found in the configuration directory: 3.6.


  • 2a. Download from a configuration source address fails.

    • 2a.1. System downloads the signed configuration directory by making aHTTP GET request to the next randomly chosen configuration source address found in the configuration anchor.
      • 2a.1a. Downloading failed from every configuration source addresses listed in the configuration anchor.
      • 2a.1a.1. System logs the error message: “Failed to download configuration from any configuration location: X” (where “X” is the list of configuration source addresses that were tried). Use case terminates.
    • 2a.2. Use case continues from step 3.
  • 3a. Parsing of the configuration directory resulted in an error (e.g., the value of the MIME header Content-transfer-encoding was found not to be “base64”).

    • 3a.1. System logs the error message. Use case terminates.
  • 3b. The configuration directory is missing the Expire-date header.

    • 3b.1. System logs the error message: “Configuration instance X is missing signed data expiration date” (where “X” is the instance identifier of the configuration). Use case terminates.
  • 3c. The downloaded configuration is not signed. System logs the error message: “Configuration instance X is missing signed data” (where “X” is the instance identifier of the configuration). Use case terminates.

  • 3d. The downloaded configuration is expired.

    • 3d.1. System logs the error message: “Configuration instance X expired on Y” (where “X” is the instance identifier of the configuration and “Y” is the expiration date and time of the downloaded configuration directory). Use case terminates.
  • 4a. The signature verification process terminated with an error condition.

    • 4a.1. Use case terminates.
  • 5a. The downloading of a configuration part terminated with an error condition.

    • 5a.1. Use case terminates.

Related information:

  • The error messages are logged to /var/log/xroad/configuration-client.log.

# 3.5 UC FED_04: Verify the Signature of the Configuration Directory

System: Central server

Level: Subfunction

Component: Central server

Actor: -

Brief Description: System verifies the signature of the configuration directory using the configuration source anchor.

Preconditions: -

Postconditions: -

Trigger: Step 4 of 3.4.

Main Success Scenario:

  1. System finds the configuration signature algorithm (value of the MIME header Signature-algorithm-id) and the hash value of the verification certificate (value of the MIME header Verification-certificate-hash) from the signature part of the downloaded configuration directory.

  2. System uses the found hash value to find the corresponding signature verification certificate from the configuration source anchor.

  3. System verifies the configuration signature value using the signature algorithm and the signature verification certificate.


  • 2a. System cannot find the verification certificate needed to verify the signature.

    • 2a.1. System logs the error message: “Cannot verify signature of configuration instance X: could not find verification certificate for certificate hash Y” (where “X” is the instance identifier of the configuration and “Y” is the hash value of the verification certificate that was used to sign the configuration directory). Use case terminates.
  • 3a. Signature verification fails.

    • 3a.1. System logs the error message: “Failed to verify signature of configuration instance X” (where “X” is the instance identifier of the configuration directory). Use case terminates.

Related information:

  • The error messages are logged to /var/log/xroad/configuration-client.log.

# 3.6 UC FED_05: Download a Configuration Part File

System: Central server

Level: Subfunction

Component: Central server, configuration proxy

Actor: Configuration source

Brief Description: System downloads a configuration part file from the configuration source and verifies the integrity of the downloaded file.

Preconditions: -

Postconditions: -

Trigger: Step 5 of 3.4.

Main Success Scenario:

  1. System downloads the configuration file from the URL provided by the Content-location MIME header in the configuration part of the configuration directory.

  2. System calculates the hash value of the downloaded file using the algorithm defined by the Hash-algorithm-id MIME header and verifies that the hash value of the downloaded file matches the hash value in the configuration part.

  3. System verifies that the instance identifier stated in the downloaded file matches the instance parameter value of the Content-identifier MIME header of the configuration directory.


  • 1a. The downloading of the file failed.

    • 1a.1. System logs the error message describing the reason of the failure. Use-case terminates.
  • 2a. The hash values differ.

    • 2a.1. System logs the error message: “Failed to verify content integrity X” (where “X” is the Content-identifier or Content-location MIME header value of the configuration part). Use case terminates.
  • 3a. The instance identifier value in the downloaded configuration file differs from the instance parameter value of the Content-identifier MIME header.

    • 3a.1. System logs the error message: “Content part X has invalid instance identifier (expected Y, but was Z)” (where “X” is the Content-identifier or Content-location MIME header value of the configuration part; “Y” is the instance parameter value; and “Z” is the instance identifier value in the downloaded configuration file). Use case terminates.

Related information:

  • The error messages are logged to /var/log/xroad/configuration-client.log.

# 3.7 UC FED_06: Download a Trusted Anchor

System: Central server

Level: User task

Component: Central server

Actor: CS administrator

Brief Description: CS administrator downloads a trusted anchor.

Preconditions: A trusted anchor is saved in the system configuration.

Postconditions: The trusted anchor file has been downloaded by CS administrator.

Trigger: CS administrator wishes to view the contents of the configuration anchor file or to store the file to an external location.

Main Success Scenario:

  1. CS administrator selects to download the trusted anchor file.

  2. System presents the anchor file for downloading.

  3. CS administrator saves the anchor file to the local file system.

Extensions: -

Related information: -

# 3.8 UC FED_07: Delete a Trusted Anchor

System: Central server

Level: User task

Component: Central server

Actor: CS administrator

Brief Description: CS administrator deletes a trusted anchor. The anchor is removed from the list of configuration sources distributed to the security servers of this X-Road instance via the global configuration.

Preconditions: A trusted anchor has been uploaded to the system.

Postconditions: -

Trigger: A federation relationship is terminated.

Main success scenario:

  1. CS administrator selects to delete a trusted anchor.

  2. System prompts for confirmation.

  3. CS administrator confirms the deletion.

  4. System deletes the selected configuration anchor and displays the message “Configuration anchor of instance 'X' deleted successfully.”, where “X” is the instance identifier of the X-Road instance the deleted anchor originated from.

  5. System logs the event “Delete trusted anchor” to the audit log.


  • 3a. CS administrator selects to terminate the use case.

Related information:

  • The audit log is located at /var/log/xroad/audit.log. The data set of audit log records is described in the document “X-Road: Audit Log Events” [SPEC-AL].