# Security Server Sidecar User Guide

Version: 1.15

# Version history

Date Version Description Author
13.11.2020 1.0 Initial version Alberto Fernandez Lorenzo
24.12.2020 1.1 Add description of features of different image versions Petteri Kivimäki
21.01.2021 1.2 Removal of kubernetes related sections Alberto Fernandez Lorenzo
10.02.2021 1.3 Modify description of different supported platforms Raul Martinez Lopez
06.05.2021 1.4 Updated X-Road version Raul Martinez Lopez
12.07.2021 1.5 Added 6.25.0 to 6.26.0 upgrade steps Raul Martinez Lopez
15.10.2021 1.6 Minor documentation updates Janne Mattila
02.11.2021 1.7 Updates for Sidecar 7.0.0 Jarkko Hyöty
28.11.2021 1.8 Add license info Petteri Kivimäki
11.10.2022 1.9 Minor documentation updates regarding upgrade process Monika Liutkute
06.07.2023 1.10 Sidecar repo migration Eneli Reimets
22.02.2024 1.11 Local database files mapping with docker volume Eneli Reimets
13.05.2024 1.12 Add additional upgrade details for Sidecar 7.5 Ovidijus Narkevicius
22.08.2024 1.13 Add a section about enabling ACME support Eneli Reimets
23.09.2024 1.14 Changing System Parameter Values in Configuration Files Eneli Reimets
23.12.2024 1.15 Minor documentation updates Eneli Reimets

# License

This document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ (opens new window)

# Table of Contents

# 1 Introduction

X-Road Security Server Sidecar is containerized, production ready, version of the X-Road Security Server. This document describes the installation and maintenance of the Sidecar, to the extent it differs from the X-Road Security Server for Ubuntu server. For additional details, see IG-SS and UG-SS.

# 1.1 X-Road Security Server Sidecar images

The Security Server Sidecar has several images with alternative configurations:

Image Description
niis/xroad-security-server-sidecar:<version>-slim Slim image with the minimum required packages and configuration to function.
niis/xroad-security-server-sidecar:<version> Full image uses the slim as the base and adds message logging, and environmental and operational monitoring.
niis/xroad-security-server-sidecar:<version>-slim-<variant> Same as the slim image but with the NIIS member/partner country variant (ee,fi,fo,is) settings included.
niis/xroad-security-server-sidecar:<version>-<variant> Same as the full image but with the NIIS member/partner country variant configuration settings included.

All images can act as a provider or consumer Security Server. The images with a country code suffix (e.g., -fi) include NIIS member/partner -specific configuration.

Feature Sidecar Sidecar Slim
Consume services Yes Yes
Provide services Yes Yes
Message logging Yes No
Environmental monitoring Yes No
Operational monitoring Yes No

# 1.2 References

  1. [IG-SS] X-Road: Security Server Installation Guide
  2. [IG-SS-Annex-D] X-Road: Security Server Installation Guide
  3. [UG-SS] X-Road: Security Server User Guide
  4. [UG-SYSPAR] X-Road: System Parameters User Guide

# 2 Installation

# 2.1 Prerequisites

The X-Road Security Server Sidecar can be deployed using Docker (Linux, x86-64 architecture) or Kubernetes. Docker Desktop for Windows or macOS (x86-64) can be used in testing and development, but is not supported for production use.

Minimum container resource limits for running the Security Server Sidecar container:

  • CPUs: 2
  • Memory: 3 GiB (slim, 4GiB or more for a full container)
  • 3 GiB free disk space

# 2.2 Reference data

The following parameters are used in example commands:

Value Explanation
<container name> Name of the Security Server Sidecar container
<admin port> Port for admin user interface (default 4000)
<healthcheck port> Port for service health check (default 5588)
<consumer information system port> Consumer information system port (default 8080 (http), 8443 (https))
<token pin> Software token PIN code
<admin user> Admin username
<admin password> Admin password
<database host> (Optional) host for external database
<database port> (Optional) port for external database, default 5432
<database password> (Optional) External database super user password
<log level> (Optional) Logging level, one of: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, ALL or OFF
<database name> (Optional) Database name prefix ('serverconf' becomes '<database-name>_serverconf'), useful when using a shared database server
<config volume name> Name of the configuration volume
<database volume name> Name of the local database volume
<archive volume name> Name of the archive/backup volume

# 2.3 Network

The table below lists the required connections between different components.

Connection Source Target Target Ports Protocol Note
Inbound Other Security Servers Sidecar 5500, 5577 tcp
Inbound Consumer Information System Sidecar 8080, 8443 tcp From "internal" network
Inbound Admin Sidecar 4000 https From "internal" network
Inbound ACME Server Sidecar 80 http
Outbound Sidecar Central Server 80, 443, 4001 http(s)
Outbound Sidecar OCSP Service 80 / 443 / other http(s)
Outbound Sidecar Timestamping Service 80 / 443 / other http(s) Not used by slim
Outbound Sidecar Other Security Server(s) 5500, 5577 tcp
Outbound Sidecar Producer Information System 80, 443, other http(s) To "internal" network
Outbound Sidecar ACME Server 80 / 443 http(s)
Outbound Sidecar Mail server 587 tcp


  • Using a firewall to protect the Security Server is recommended. The firewall can be applied to both incoming and outgoing connections, depending on the security requirements of the environment where the Security Server will be deployed.
  • The inbound target ports are container ports. It necessary to publish (docker run ... -p <host port>:<container port> ..) those so that the container is accessible from the outside.
  • The inbound ports 5500/tcp and 5577/tcp for communicating with other Security Servers must be published to the same ports on the host (or the public interface if NAT/firewall is in use)
    • If the Security Server is only consuming services, it is not necessary to publish ports 5500 and 5577.
  • 4000, 8080, 8443 should be only accessible to internal clients (can be mapped to other ports)

See also Docker Networking (opens new window)

# 2.4 Running the Sidecar Container

To run X-Road Security Server Sidecar, use one of the images published in Docker Hub (opens new window). Alternatively, you can build container images locally using the docker-build.sh script.

docker run --detach \
  --name <container name> \
  -p<admin port>:4000 \
  -p<healthcheck port>:5588 \
  -p <consumer information system port>:8443 \
  -p 5500:5500 \
  -p 5577:5577 \
  -e XROAD_TOKEN_PIN=<token pin> \
  -e XROAD_ADMIN_USER=<admin user> \
  -e XROAD_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<admin password> \
  # Optional parameters - BEGIN
  -v <config-volume>:/etc/xroad \
  -v <archive-volume>:/var/lib/xroad \
  -v <database-volume>:/var/lib/postgresql/16/main \
  -e XROAD_DB_HOST=<database-host> \
  -e XROAD_DB_PORT=<database-port> \
  -e XROAD_DB_PWD=<postgres password> \
  # Optional parameters - END

Note! This command persists all configuration inside the Sidecar container which means that state is lost when the container is destroyed. In production use, either persistent volumes should be used. Using a separate database is recommended.

# Verifying that the Sidecar is Running

  1. Ensure from the command line that the container is running:

    docker ps --filter "name=<container name>"
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                            COMMAND                 CREATED             STATUS         PORTS     NAMES
    b3031affa4b7   niis/xroad-security-server-sidecar:<image tag>   "/root/entrypoint.sh"   10 minutes ago      Up 10 minutes  ...       <container name>
  2. Ensure from the command line that the X-Road services are running in the container:

    docker exec -t <container name> supervisorctl status
    cron                             RUNNING   pid 557, uptime 0:07:44
    postgres                         RUNNING   pid 552, uptime 0:07:44
    xroad-addon-messagelog           RUNNING   pid 558, uptime 0:07:44
    xroad-autologin                  EXITED    Dec 19 01:18 PM
    xroad-confclient                 RUNNING   pid 553, uptime 0:07:44
    xroad-monitor                    RUNNING   pid 554, uptime 0:07:44
    xroad-opmonitor                  RUNNING   pid 555, uptime 0:07:44
    xroad-proxy                      RUNNING   pid 560, uptime 0:07:44
    xroad-proxy-ui-api               RUNNING   pid 561, uptime 0:07:44
    xroad-signer                     RUNNING   pid 556, uptime 0:07:44
  3. Ensure that you can open the admin user interface URL<admin port> in a web browser. To log in, use the credentials you set during the installation (<admin user>, <admin password>). While the user interface is still starting up, the web browser may display a connection refused -error.

# 2.5 Using an External Database

For full compatibility, the external database must be PostgreSQL version 16 (for example backup and restore does not work if the version differs). When starting the container, provide the external database server hostname, server port, and superuser credentials (for creating the necessary users and tables) as parameters. For example:

# Create a network for the container(s)
docker network create -d bridge xroad-network

# Start a postgresql server for the external database
docker run -d \
-v postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<postgres password> \
--name remote-db \
--network xroad-network \

# Run sidecar
docker run -d \
-v <config volume name>:/etc/xroad \
-p<admin port>:4000 \
-p<healthcheck port>:5588 \
-p <consumer information system port>:8443 \
-p 5500:5500 \
-p 5577:5577 \
--network xroad-network \
-e XROAD_TOKEN_PIN=<token pin> \
-e XROAD_ADMIN_USER=<admin user> \
-e XROAD_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<admin password> \
-e XROAD_DB_HOST=remote-db \
-e XROAD_DB_PWD=<postgres password> \
--name <container name> \

X-Road Security Server supports a variety of cloud databases including AWS RDS and Azure Database for PostgreSQL. See IG-SS for more information about using remote database.

# Reconfiguring the external database address after initialization

It is possible to change the external database host after the initialization while the Sidecar container is running. This will not recreate the database, so make sure that you have already created the database(s) and a users. See IG-SS for details about creating the database structure.

To change the database host, you need to:

  1. Edit db.properties inside the container

    docker exec -it <sidecar container name> nano-tiny /etc/xroad/db.properties
  2. Replace the connection host, the username and password with the properties of the new database:

    # db.properties
    serverconf.hibernate.connection.url = jdbc:postgresql://<new host ip>:5432/serverconf
    serverconf.hibernate.connection.username = <new user>
    serverconf.hibernate.connection.password = <new password>

    If other database like messagelog or op-monitor are also configured in the /etc/xroad/db.properties, you must change their properties in the same way as in the example above.

  3. Update the admin users by editing /etc/xroad.properties file and replace the admin users and passwords with the new ones:

    docker exec -it <sidecar container name> nano /etc/xroad.properties
    # xroad.properties
    serverconf.database.admin_user = <new serverconf admin>
    serverconf.database.admin_password = <new serverconf password>

    If you are using the regular version of the Security Server Sidecar with the admin users for the messagelog and op-monitor databases, you must do the same for the admin users.

  4. After you have changed the properties, restart the container

    docker restart <sidecar container name>

# 2.6 Changing the logging Level

It is possible to adjust the logging level. To do this, set the environment variable XROAD_LOG_LEVEL when starting the container. The value of this variable can be one of the case-sensitive string values: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, ALL or OFF. If the environment variable is not set, the logging level will be INFO by default.

# 2.7 Using Volumes

It is recommended to configure persistent storage (opens new window) for the files in the following locations:

Mount point Description
/etc/xroad X-Road configuration
/var/lib/xroad Backups and messagelog archives
/var/lib/postgresql/16/main Local database files (not applicable to external database

Note Use docker volume instead of bind mount for local database files to avoid permissions issues. For more information see: Volumes (opens new window)

For example, to run sidecar using volumes for each mount point execute the following command:

docker run --detach \
  --name sss-7.6.0 \
  -p \
  -p \
  -p 8443:8443 \
  -p 5500:5500 \
  -p 5577:5577 \
  --network xroad-network \
  -e XROAD_TOKEN_PIN=1234 \
  -v sidecar_config_volume:/etc/xroad \
  -v sidecar_backup_volume:/var/lib/xroad \
  -v sidecar_db_volume:/var/lib/postgresql/16/main \

# 2.8 Automatic backups

The Security Server backs up its configuration automatically once every day, by default. It can be changed with system parameter proxy-configuration-backup-cron, see UG-SYSPAR(#Ref_UG-SYSPAR) for configuration details. Backups older than 30 days are automatically removed from the server. If needed, you can adjust the automatic backup deletion policies by editing the /etc/cron.d/xroad-proxy file.

Automatic backups will be stored in the folder /var/lib/xroad/backup/.

# 2.9 Message log archives

Does not apply to slim image.

The Security Server Sidecar periodically archives message log records in the folder /var/lib/xroad/. It is recommended to store the archives to a volume by adding a volume mapping for the archive directory.

# 3 Initial configuration

To configure the X-Road Security Server Sidecar, open a browser to<admin port> (assuming the container admin port 4000 is published to localhost) and log in using the admin credentials. See IG-SS for configuration details.

# 3.1 Changing the System Parameter Values in Configuration Files

The configuration files are INI files [INI], where each section contains parameters for a particular server component.

In order to override the default values of system parameters, create or edit the file


See UG-SYSPAR for configuration details.

# 3.2 Enabling ACME Support

Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) protocol enables partly automated certificate management of the authentication and sign certificates on the Security Server. More information about the required configuration is available in the Security Server User Guide.

# 4 Upgrading

Upgrading to a new image is supported, provided that:

  • The new container image has the same or subsequent minor version of the X-Road Security Server.
    • As an exception, upgrading from 6.26.0 to 7.0.x is supported despite the major version change.
    • As an exception, upgrading from 7.4.2 to 7.5.x is supported using backup archive if local database is used.
  • A volume is used for /etc/xroad.
  • A remote database is used, or a volume is mapped to /var/lib/postgresql/16/main.
  • The xroad.properties file with serverconf.database.admin_user etc. credentials is either mapped to /etc/xroad.properties or present in /etc/xroad/xroad.properties.
  • The same image type (slim or full) and variant (ee, fi, ...) are used for the new container.

If the prerequisites are met, upgrading is straightforward:

  • Stop the old container.
    docker stop <container name>
    docker rename <container name> <container name prev>
  • Run a container using the new (or refreshed) image, using the volumes from the old container.
    docker run -d \
    --volumes-from <container name prev> \
    ... published ports and other parameters, e.g network ...
    -e XROAD_ADMIN_USER=<admin user> \
    -e XROAD_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<admin password> \
    --name <container name> \
    niis/xroad-security-server-sidecar:<new version[-type[-variant]>


  • If the old container was ephemeral, it is necessary to manually map the volumes (can not use --volumes-from)
  • Admin user needs to be created every time since it is not part of the persistent configuration
  • If xroad.properties file containing the database administrator credentials will be missing during the upgrade, then non admin user credentials from db.properties will be used, which might cause issues if those credentials won't have enough permissions to execute database updates
  • If remote database is used, then upgrade it up to PostgreSQL 16 version when upgrading to 7.5.x.

# 4.1 Upgrading from version 6.26.0 to 7.0.0

Upgrading from 6.26.0 to 7.0.0 is supported, if the above prerequisites are met. However, due to a problem in installer scripts, it is necessary to verify that the /etc/xroad.properties file has been correctly populated. (see IG-SS, Annex D for details describing expected file content and manual creation instructions). Backups are not compatible between 6.26.0 and 7.0.0, so upgrading using a backup is not possible.

In case the prerequisites are not fully met, it is possible to manually prepare an intermediate container for the upgrade: (this example assumes local database)

  • Create an image of the current container:
    docker commit <container name> sidecar-temp-image
    docker stop <container name>
  • Create a new container with volume mounts using the temporary image, and make a copy of the xroad.properties file
    docker run -v sidecar-config:/etc/xroad -v sidecar-db:/var/lib/postgresql/16/data ... -n <container-name-temp> sidecar-temp-image
    Copy /etc/xroad.properties into the volume unless it is a bind mounted file. If /etc/xroad.properties is a bind mounted file, verify that the serverconf.database.admin_user etc. credentials exist and are correct.
    docker exec sidecar-temp-image cp /etc/xroad.properties /etc/xroad/xroad.properties
    docker stop <container-name-temp>
  • Upgrade using the upgrade instructions above

# 4.2 Upgrading from version 7.4.2 to 7.5.x with local database

Upgrading from 7.4.2 to 7.5.x is supported, if the above prerequisites are met. However, due to a newer PostgreSQL version (16, previously 12) used in new sidecar image, it isn't straightforward to upgrade using the same database volume.

  • Create a backup for the current sidecar instance using UI or command line and download it.

  • Stop the old container and rename it.

    docker stop <container name>
    docker rename <container name> <container name prev>
  • start a new container using the new image and the old volumes, except the old database volume.

    docker run -d \
    -v sidecar_config_volume:/etc/xroad \
    -v sidecar_backup_volume:/var/lib/xroad \
    -v <new DB volume name>:/var/lib/postgresql/16/main
    ... published ports and other parameters, e.g network ...
    -e XROAD_ADMIN_USER=<admin user> \
    -e XROAD_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<admin password> \
    --name <container name> \
    niis/xroad-security-server-sidecar:<new version[-type[-variant]>
    • Restore from backup:
      sudo -iu xroad /usr/share/xroad/scripts/restore_xroad_proxy_configuration.sh -F -f <backup file>

See IG-SS for backup and restore details.

# 5 High Availability Setup

For a high availability setup, see Running Sidecar in Kubernetes